Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Rujukan perbandingan susu formula anak selepas 1 tahun (September 2018)

Ni tips saya nak kongsi untuk ibu-ibu tentang memilih susu formula di pasaran. Kalau nak pilih susu formula, kena pastikan apa keperluan diet anak-anak. untuk anak-anak yang berumur 1 tahun, susu ini hanya sebagai makanan tambahan sahaja. Diet utama anak mesti la makanan seperti nasi, ayam, telur, sayur dan sebagainya. time pilih susu anak memang pening kepala. nak baca nutrisi susu pun suda pening. sebelum ni anak saya minum susu Enfagrow A+ step 3. Memang anak sesuai dengan susu ni tapi anak saya kuat minum susu smpi 4-5 kali sehari. Masi dalam proses kurangkan pengambilan susu. Dalam sebulan lebih kurang RM400 spend untuk susu sahaja. So, untuk kurangkan kos beli susu, saya ajar anak makan makanan berkhasiat. Duit invest lebih kepada makanan berkhasiat... at least satu keluarga makan makanan berkhasiat kan? ini opinion saya sahaja. kalau tdk bole terima tdk apa. Bukan kedekut tapi kewangan tidak izinkan. Ada duit lebih bole beli susu mahal. okla, di bawah ni jadual saya compile untuk perbandingan susu di pasaran, of course saya pilih brand susu yang lebih murah dari enfagrow untuk jimat. Parents bole tgk jadual tersebut dan buat perbandingan sendri. kalau ada silap content nutrient sila bagi tau dengan saya untuk buat pembetulan but sy dah cek bbrpa kali sblm post juga.

Kanak-kanak berumur 1 tahun memerlukan 900 calories sehari as recommended by The American Heart Association. Based on that saya bole estimate brapa anak saya perlu makan and untuk top up calories. tapi tidak perlu la stress tentang ni. anak saya kadang2 tiada selera untuk makan so calories kurang. Doctor pun x nasihat mesti ikut calories intake, dia just nasihat kalau graf pertumbuhan ok means healthy. selagi anak tak kurang berat maksudnya anak makan dengan baik. assuming parents bagi makanan yang sihat dengan anak. Jangan bagi makan jajan banyak. Banyak baby food yang processed high in sodium and sugar. Why is it no good if high in sugar and sodium??? because it will damage the kidney.

My opinion kalau tentang DHA ni tidak semestinya anak bole serap semua nutrient tersebut. So, better bagi anak makan makanan high in DHA seperti telur dan ikan. Actually as a mom, makanan spt telur dan ikan senang ja prepare. Memang favorite food masak untuk anak. DHA ni actually fatty acid dari Omega 3. Kedua-dua omega 3 dan omega 6 diperlukan untuk perkembangan otak dan mata anak. So, jangan bagi makan nasi dengan kuah sup ja dengan anak. Sometimes parents takut bagi makan anak makanan macam telur dan ikan tapi actually makanan ni bagus dan memang selamat. tapi kena pastikan anak tidak alergik dengan makanan ni dulu.

Anak berusia 1-3 tahun memerlukan kalsium sebanyak 500mg setiap hari. Tidak semua kalsium diserap oleh badan dari susu. Vitamin D sebenarnya penting untuk penyerapan kalsium secara optimum oleh usus kita. Jumlah Vitamin D hampir sama dalam semua brand Susu. Kalau banding dlam jadual atas, kandungan kalsium paling rendah ialah jenama S26 progress iaitu 347mg/100g. Mengikut maklumat nutrisi di kotak formula S26, satu sajian susu (44g) mengandungi 153mg kalsium. So, kalau sehari minum susu 3 kali mengikut sukatan betul, keperluan kalsium suda hampir cukup untuk anak. oleh kerana bukan semua kalsium boleh diserap oleh badan, boleh top up dengan sumber kalsium lain seperti cheese dan yogurt.

Zink pula diperlukan untuk tumbesaran. Anak-anak yang tidak cukup zink dalam diet akan terbantut tumbesaran tapi actually tak banyak zink diperlukan.. just 1mg -3mg satu hari ja. boleh rujuk dengan link saya bagi kat bawah kalau tdk percaya. sikit ja perlu so this one just minum susu pun dah ok. Tapi makan daging, telur, cheese, kekacang pun banyak zink juga so jarang kes kekurangan zink. it is already abundant in diet. 

Begitu juga nutrient lain seperti Zat besi, Protein dan Serat. These nutrient memang abundant dalam diet kita. Zat besi diperlukan untuk pembentukan sel darah. While protein as we know untuk repair tisu badan, pertumbuhan dan immune system. Kanak-kanak just perlu 30-45g sehari (refer link below). Serat juga jangan lupa include dalam makanan anak2 kita. Kadang2 parents tidak bagi anak makan sayur kalau anak refuse to eat vege tapi it is good untuk pencernaan anak2. Bacteria di dalam usus anak actually thrive because of serat yang kita makan. Anak pun senang pg tandas. Tidak boleh bergantung dengan serat dalam susu kerana tidak cukup untuk anak kita. 

So, lastly saya just nak cakap kalau nak pilih susu kena pilih based on diet anak masing2. kalau anak tidak suka makan cheese atau yogurt boleh bagi susu yang lebih tinggi kalsium. Kalau sikit serat dalam diet anak bagi la susu yang tinggi serat. DHA pun sma juga. Actually anak 1 tahun dah boleh minum susu full cream tenusu seperti fernleaf yang viral di fb. Susu formula actually fortified dengan nutrient because they make it as a supplement. For me kalau tentang anak cirit birit atau sembelit tu kena try and error each brand la. Choose a brand that you think the best for your child lepas tu bagi try dengan anak kalau sesuai. Saya bukan la dietitian but sejak jadi ibu ni terpaksa buat banyak research supaya boleh pilih yang terbaik untuk anak. This entry is just for me to share my research. tidak payah ambil bulat2 entry saya ni. Suda la buruk penulisan banyak spelling error lagi kan. haha. So, buat research sendiri apa terbaik untuk anak kerana entry saya ni just sebagai rujukan sahaja. Susu Murah tidak semestinya tidak baik. Banyak parents rasa guilty/risau nak tukar susu murah. No...don't feel guilty atau stress. Why do you want to feel guilty atau stress kalau anak makan dengan baik? susu is just supplementary. Kalau omputih dorang bagi susu tenusu full cream saja after 1 year sebab semua nutrient actually dari makanan. So, sampai sni saja post saya hari ni. Sorry kalau entry saya buruk.

Thank you for reading. 


Calories recommendation :

Omega3 :




Monday, September 3, 2018

Roadtrip with baby in Borneo essential list

I have a one year old daughter who constantly running around the house and picking up everything she can find on the floor. I constantly have the phobia of her eating her own poop or cockroach poop or whatever looks like poop on the floor so I mop the floor once a week (or biweekly). Now, don't judge me for not mopping the floor every day because I also work part time as a *writer* at home so I really need to focus on my work and have a ME time to keep me sane. I know that it is not easy to have a kid especially if you are a first time mom. The elderly (relatives, long lost relatives, neighbor etc) will be skeptical about how you handling your child so they will give a lot of advice which sometimes true and sometimes just utterly ridiculous but you don't have to follow everything because advice by different people often contradicts with one another. e.g. some elderly people advice you to feed your baby porridge only and some will ask why I haven't introduce soft rice to my one year daughter. So, no need to worry. It is totally normal for people to overwhelm you with their advice because they feel responsible or they just want to make conversation. As long as you check with the pediatrician before trying anything new with your baby. Don't just blindly follow your relatives advice. Know what is best for your baby instead of trying to make everyone happy. 

So, the main thing i want to share is my list of things that I always brought with me because I travel (roadtrip) a lot with my baby since she is one month old where she travel by plane for the first time. Some of the things list down below might not be for everybody but you can adjust it according to your liking and also compare with other moms. Actually you can only prepare your essential list after you travel a lot with your baby because we moms learn from experience. This list might not be suitable for minimalist parents because as you can see I have a long list. I pack my baby's essential things in different bag so it is easier for us. Actually the list looks long but everything can fit into a medium size nappy bag. I try to travel as light as possible but there are just some things that I cannot skip like the medicine, baby soap, nappy, wet tissue etc. My baby still have bad eczema when i put things that can trigger her allergies on her skin. Most parents find it is more convenient to buy baby wipes or diaper at the holiday destination but I prefer to bring from home so I don't have to panic if they don't sell any regular brand my baby use.  

List of things to bring to travel (3 days 2 night)

  1. Three pairs of baby clothes 
  2. One dress
  3. Wet tissue
  4. Diapers (usually12-15 pcs)
  5. Baby Oat (Quick Breakfast for lil one when you are late)
  6. Milk Powder (or breast pump if you breastfeeding)
  7. Two cloth diapers (very versatile from wiping spit to temporary poncho)
  8. Bath towel (one is enough)
  9. Hot water thermos (not many budget hotel provide kettle in room here so it will be very useful)
  10. Feeding bottle 
  11. Dish soap
  12. Bottle brush
  13. Baby cutlery (optional)
  14. Baby medicine (eczema flair, cough, fever, syringe etc)
  15. Baby soap (Head to Toe)
  16. Two pair of socks
  17. Changing mat (I bring one reusable and two disposable handy)
  18. Insect repellent
  19. Baby water bottle (if baby start to drink water)
  20. Baby snack (so your baby won't get hungry in car)
  21. Sun hat
  22. Favorite blanket
  23. Baby coat/cardigan
  24. Mini portable fan (this is a must in tropical country)
  25. Toys for distraction (I choose toys over mobile phone)
  26. Baby sandal/shoe
  27. Hand sanitizer (I prefer spray bottle because it is easier to disinfect surface and hand)
I usually wash 1-2 pair of my baby clothes when traveling. If you plan to wash baby clothes please bring gentle detergent. I prefer solid soap but you can also just use the hotel soap. If you don't plan to wash clothes then bring extra clothes but extra clothes mean you need extra space in luggage. If you plan to go for a swim with your baby please bring along her swimwear and swim diaper. For the hot water thermos, I find it easier to bring the hot water in the car and night use. My baby won't drink her milk if it isn't warm. I usually bring 2 feeding bottle for 3-5 hour drive. I brought more feeding bottles when my baby younger (under 6 months). My baby will feed before we start our journey. Keep your baby happy by keeping her well-fed and well rested and everything will be fine. A few tantrum is normal but you can handle it with a few distractions by singing to your baby, take your baby for a walk, play with her or give her favorite toy. I think that's all that I can think of now. Hopefully it will help to make your roadtrip smoother and happy. It is also important for parents to keep their stress level down during traveling because that is what traveling for right? So, don't fret if things don't fall into your plan because IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Don't try to get over your head squeezing 3-5 activities in a day. Try to plan one activity in the morning and one in the evening so you don't have to rush and overtired the baby. Remember, a baby needs to feed and take a nap or they will get cranky and cry. It is their way to communicate. Just relax, laugh, enjoy every moment and take lots of adorable photos!

Happy Roadtrip Mommies!!